Thursday, 29 September 2011

To Blog or Not to Blog?!

To blog or not to blog? That is the question?!

This account was activated quite some time ago. The want to blog was there, but what to blog was not! It is very disastrous to have writers block before you even start writing and this is what I was battling. Ideas would come...but very quickly I was like - 'Yeah, whatever, No.'

However the other day, I was on Facebook (don't judge me we all know you have Facebook) and saw to the side of my profile a section that showed what I posted a year or two ago. A sort of on this day in 2009 or 2010 you wrote blah blah blah. I started reading my little posts of Facebook and noticed that I always have the odd crazy story. That something that either brightened your day or frustrated it - but somehow when you look back on it with family and friends you always laugh.

It was then I worked out how to cure my writers block. My blog would not be about fashion or design or little things I love (I will confess that I will not be surprised it it creeps in!!) but about those crazy things that happen. My blog is going to be about those little life adventures and stories. Some will make you cringe in pain, or have you running for your life in fear or even pee a little in your pants from laughter.

So...stay tuned :) Adventure past and future to be posted soon!!

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